OUR formula
For the past 15 years KCE Baseball has provided high quality coaching and instruction for high school athletes in the Chicagoland area. High school baseball is just the beginning of a longer journey in each athletes life. It is our mission to do everything in our power to help our athletes reach their full potential and achieve their goals!
Our difference
We believe that great coaching and high level play shouldn’t be just for those who can afford the increasing cost of summer baseball. For this reason, we actively work to assure that we are on of the most affordable organizations in the area. We do this without jeopardizing high level coaching and with NO hidden fees. All KCE players receive BLAST motion sensors and one on one instruction. In addition, all of our coaches in the organization attend practices across all levels in order to assure the best coaching possible.
our strategy
Being a part of the KCE Baseball organization means you get all of our KCE coaches’ knowledge at every moment. We firmly believe that “Dad” ball is over. Therefore, it is KCE Baseball policy that NO coach will be a parent of a KCE player. In addition, a big part of our success comes from our coaches and players treating everyone as family. We empower our older players to be involved and help the younger players throughout the season. Our coaches are always learning and becoming better at their craft as we know if you are not learning as a coach you will fail your players.
our training
During the off season it is our job as coaches to increase our players’ potential and to get them ready for their upcoming high school season. We employ a mix of team, group, and one-on-one coaching. Practice is where the most growth happens for athletes, so we prioritize our off season to do just that. All KCE players receive BLAST motion sensor as a part of their fee. We use BLAST during every practice and have regular meeting with each player to set goals and implement different plans for each player.
our recruitment PHILOSOPHY
Another great thing about being in the KCE Baseball organization is the college recruitment help our players receive. We help all of our athletes with their college recruitment. We do this by providing individual meetings to discuss how to get recruited, and we provide a recruitment video for them at NO COST. There is a reason over 100 former KCE players are currently or have played college baseball. It is not just our job to help them during practice but to get to the next stage in their baseball journey.
A big difference in how we plan our summer schedule in comparison to other organizations is in how we challenge our players. We will never enter the same tournament throughout the summer. We play in multiple tournaments hosted by DIFFERENT organizations to guarantee we face a diverse competition pool. With college recruitment being a big part of our organization we make sure we enter tournaments that will best help our players get seen. When we travel our first priority is to join a tournament being held at a college or will have college coaches present. The only way our athletes get better is to be challenged and we will always do that.